I ordered our Save the Date cards today. I'm very excited because it's the first major purchase that I will actually be able to see. We've paid 2 grand toward the venue already but it's not something that I get to hold. I've also bought small things like a ring bearer pillow and flower petals but they're not major purchases. For some reason, ordering these cards are a big deal to me. It makes it that much more real. Matt's not getting out of this deal now! HA!
Another great development has been choosing a photographer. Katelyn Holzer was in my brother's class in high school was a very talented photog even back then. She was always taking pictures for the yearbook, newspaper, etc. Then she went off to Hawaii to go to school and I haven't seen her since. My mom suggested Katelyn when I was showing her websites of Spokane professionals and their price lists. When I contacted Katelyn through facebook she told me about her experience and what she does for a wedding. She spends way more time at the festivities than the other guys, provides similar services, and charges barely over half of what the other photographers cost. Plus, she's extremely talented and a family friend. I know other people that have had bad luck with having a friend as their photographer but I know that Katelyn has done this professionally so I have no qualms about it at all. I'm actually really excited about it.